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Gary Thrapp has been involved in youth sports for over thirty years and is the owner of Beyond the Baseline—a basketball and volleyball event center located in Davenport, Iowa. He has over- seen over 50,000 games in his facility over the last 18 years. Throughout this time, Gary can confidently say he has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in all facets of youth sports. 

Because of his unique experience and involvement in youth sports, Gary has observed many issues faced by young athletes, coaches, families, and the communities he has served.


Wanting to make a positive change, especially closing the opportunity gap that exists, Gary began the non-profit Quad Cities Youth Sports Foundation with the single goal of improving the quality of youth sports for all. The foundation does this through programs focused on helping young people connect the dots between the recreational, the spiritual, and the educational parts of life; creating a balance so youth can develop a strong foundation for the rest of their lives; and encouraging kids to follow through with their day-to-day responsibilities so they can grow to be a strong employee, employer, leader, citizen, and family member.  Currently the foundation is providing free competitive youth sports for over 250 kids in the community.  


One additional way Gary has committed himself to improving youth sports and communities is through the All-Sports Youth Coaches Orientation, a workshop designed to help school, club, and parent coaches improve the quality of sporting events for the players and attendees, while equipping them with strategies to build stronger citizens. 


The All-Sports Youth Coaches Orientation includes strategies to work together as leaders and mentors to properly address issues as they happen, how to better use athletics to teach life skills, ultimately developing stronger high school leaders compelling others to follow, closing the achievement gap, improving safety, and so much more. 


Never before has a detailed discussion and a plan of attack been needed to help our adult community leaders be ready to help our youth succeed. 


For more information on how you can create positive change in your school and community through youth sports, or have Gary speak to your coaching staff or group, contact him at:

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